For months, I have been fighting what seemed like a losing battle. An unfamiliar, and down-right unpleasant opponent had come into my camp and would not budge! So armed and loaded for bear, I set out to win the battle with the one I will simply call, "my middle-age-middle". I purchased a pedometer and faithfully used it to daily measure my steps. I began keeping a food journal and carefully examined every morsel I put into my mouth. I even made myself accountable to a group of like-minded individuals by signing up for a weight training "boot camp" class which met 3x a week.
Day after day, week after week, and month after month I was faithful. I was diligently doing everything I knew to be right! Yet, my opponent continued to mock me. Sure, I was becoming stronger, and healthier, and feeling better than I had felt in years ... yet, I was discouraged.
Why? Because I was not getting the results I expected. I was not getting what I wanted. I was not getting the return on my investment I had anticipated. I wanted what I wanted and I wanted it now.
This is when God spoke. Right there, in the most unlikely of places, the gym! Smack dab in the middle of my "Kettle Bell" boot camp class! The God of The Universe gently, and lovingly, reminded me of the danger of my expectations. He reminded me how easily I can become discouraged, and ultimately defeated when I don't get my anticipated result. He reminded of the importance of endurance. He reminded me I am a needy woman, a woman who desperately needs Him. A woman who is learning to wait for His timing. A woman who is learning to hangeth thou in there. Irregardless of the outcome.