Monday, May 11, 2009

Uniquely You

My first BFF had light hair, light eyes, and light skin. In contrast, I have dark hair, dark eyes, and dark skin. As little girls often do, each of us wanted to look just like the other. Our reward was a one-way ticket to the land of discontentment.

Oh but this was just a childhood problem. Older and wiser now, I am convinced of the need to guard my heart (daily!) in the area of comparison. Temptation lies around every corner to compare ourselves to others in the areas of accomplishments, personality, physical attributes, intellect, financial status... I will stop there for the sake of time. : )

So how does one guard her heart in the area of comparison?

She must believe she is wonderfully and fearfully made.

She must believe nothing has been left to chance.

She must believe God fashioned her according to His plan, His purpose, and His pleasure.

Do you believe?

Believing does not make it true. Whether you believe it or not, it is true.

Believing will (however) enable you to walk victoriously in that truth.

Choose today to embrace the way God has fashioned you to be "uniquely" you.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

What's a Woman's Greatest Sin?

As a former radio DJ I am no stranger to live interviews. I have seen, and heard, just about everything. Or so I thought...

She said the interview hit a snag with the final question. The question was - So tell us, what is a woman's greatest sin? All she could think was... Are you for real? I don't know!

My sides hurt from laughter as I listened to this poor victim of the "surprise" question give an account of her answer. It was simply one word - comparison. And she says to this day, she's sticking with it. Along with her new rule to NEVER give live interviews! : )

As I listened to her funny story, I was so thankful it was HER funny story. I can not even imagine being put "on the spot" as she was that day. Her answer sure was a doozy though -comparison can certainly be an area where women stumble.

Young and old, rich and poor, tall and short, married and single, skinny and not-so-skinny. Unfortunately, no woman is exempt from temptation to compare.

On Monday we will examine the way to guard the heart from comparison. Learning to embrace contentment in being "uniquely" you.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Aroma of Friendship, Part 2

Okay, so how do we "nourish" our friendships so they may flourish? Well... Just as the "bag of goo" (in part 1) needed time and touch to flourish, so do our friendships.

Now before you start hyperventilating, I am NOT suggesting that you spend all your time nourishing your friendships. That's called stalking, not friendship. : )

What I am saying is (many of us) can get so caught up in the busyness of life that days, weeks, months, even years, may pass without our lives "touching" the lives of the ones we call friend.

Here are some quick, effective, ways to keep a friendship alive:

  • Texting - Texting has become my favorite way to "touch" a friend. The thing I like about texting is it can be done privately, in a public place. Have you ever had a good "belly-laugh" text?'s good medicine! And I say,from personal experience, this text medicine has saved the life of at least one "sandpaper" person!

  • Quick Phone Call - No, it's not an oxymoron! I know the master - her secret is to draw a line in the sand right up front. Saying something like, "I'm in the middle of ____ but I wanted to call and tell you ____. She is one of my dearest friends, largely because of her investment in "nurturing" our friendship with quick phone calls.

  • Snail Mail - Yes! Yes! Yes! A hand written letter, card, or a note is still (in my humble and accurate opinion) one of the most intimate ways to "touch" a friend. It does not have to be elaborate. Something simple like... I am thankful for our friendship. Sign your name and mail it. In a mountain of junk mail and bills, this puts off a sweet aroma of friendship!

I hope you enjoyed these suggestions and will "touch" the life of a friend this week.

I would love to hear your comments.

What are some other ways you have "nourished" your friendships?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Aroma of Friendship, Part 1

A friend recently called and asked if she could drop by with a gift. I said, come on over!!! She arrived with a loaf of freshly baked bread, and a bag of goo. Attached to the "goo" was a bread recipe that would also make... 4 MORE bags of goo! Oh, NO - "Friendship" bread.

(In my mind only, of course) I said... I thought this "friendship" recipe chain fizzled out in the 80's! Please tell me big hair is not making a come-back too!!

I tasted the bread, it was delicious! The "starter" concept, not so much! I accepted the gift, and told my friend I would try to be faithful. She smiled, and left. Of course she was smiling, she had found a sucker to take her bag of goo! I went to bed that night with the pressure of keeping the little chemistry project alive.

For 10 days there was a speific action required. Each day's action required just a few minutes but was VITAL! On about the third day, I started to look forward to each daily task. The starter was responsive, growing, flourishing.

On the 10th day, the final day - - - there was great anticipation! It was time to make the bread! I could let my friend know that I was faithful with her gift.

What happened next was a bonus...

As the aroma (that would make Panera envious) filled my house, I began to see why they might have named it "friendship" bread:

Just as surely as my "starter" would have died from neglect - so will my friendships.

Just as surely as my "starter" flourished when it was nourished - so will my friendships.

My friend gave me more than the gift of "friendship" bread, she gave me the gift of a lesson in friendship I will never forget.

Join me tomorrow for Part 2 - Ways to nurture and keep the gift of friendship alive.