Monday, May 11, 2009

Uniquely You

My first BFF had light hair, light eyes, and light skin. In contrast, I have dark hair, dark eyes, and dark skin. As little girls often do, each of us wanted to look just like the other. Our reward was a one-way ticket to the land of discontentment.

Oh but this was just a childhood problem. Older and wiser now, I am convinced of the need to guard my heart (daily!) in the area of comparison. Temptation lies around every corner to compare ourselves to others in the areas of accomplishments, personality, physical attributes, intellect, financial status... I will stop there for the sake of time. : )

So how does one guard her heart in the area of comparison?

She must believe she is wonderfully and fearfully made.

She must believe nothing has been left to chance.

She must believe God fashioned her according to His plan, His purpose, and His pleasure.

Do you believe?

Believing does not make it true. Whether you believe it or not, it is true.

Believing will (however) enable you to walk victoriously in that truth.

Choose today to embrace the way God has fashioned you to be "uniquely" you.

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