Monday, October 4, 2010

"Hangeth Thou In There Baby"

Kay Arthur, a Bible teacher, author, and christian speaker whom I highly respect has often exhorted her students to ... "hangeth thou in there!" Her encouraging words have never ceased to bring a smile to my face. This morning, however, God forever burned those words into my heart. Allow me to explain.

For months, I have been fighting what seemed like a losing battle. An unfamiliar, and down-right unpleasant opponent had come into my camp and would not budge! So armed and loaded for bear, I set out to win the battle with the one I will simply call, "my middle-age-middle". I purchased a pedometer and faithfully used it to daily measure my steps. I began keeping a food journal and carefully examined every morsel I put into my mouth. I even made myself accountable to a group of like-minded individuals by signing up for a weight training "boot camp" class which met 3x a week.

Day after day, week after week, and month after month I was faithful. I was diligently doing everything I knew to be right! Yet, my opponent continued to mock me. Sure, I was becoming stronger, and healthier, and feeling better than I had felt in years ... yet, I was discouraged.

Why? Because I was not getting the results I expected. I was not getting what I wanted. I was not getting the return on my investment I had anticipated. I wanted what I wanted and I wanted it now.

This is when God spoke. Right there, in the most unlikely of places, the gym! Smack dab in the middle of my "Kettle Bell" boot camp class! The God of The Universe gently, and lovingly, reminded me of the danger of my expectations. He reminded me how easily I can become discouraged, and ultimately defeated when I don't get my anticipated result. He reminded of the importance of endurance. He reminded me I am a needy woman, a woman who desperately needs Him. A woman who is learning to wait for His timing. A woman who is learning to hangeth thou in there. Irregardless of the outcome.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What Are You Choosing?

If you read my previous blog "Wake Up Church" you know I have a fire in my belly when it comes to divorce. I get so angry when I see marriages (and families) fall apart because of selfishness. That said, I want to make it clear it is NOT selfish to protect yourself and your children. If you (or your children) are in an unsafe situation .... you should seek safe shelter, safe counsel, and PROTECTION immediately!

However, if you are a woman (or man) who has simply "fallen out of love" with your spouse you need to be reminded >>> love is a choice.

We choose daily to love (or not love) our spouses.

We choose daily to forgive (or not forgive) our spouses.

We choose daily to commit (or not commit) to our marriage.

Divorce doesn't happen overnight. It takes many little choices not to love, not to forgive, and not to commit before we end up contemplating divorce.

What are you choosing?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wake up Church!

Churches all across America are making sure those who gather in the name of Jesus on Sunday mornings are reminded of the truth about marriage. Even on the blog-a-sphere the theme on Mondays has turned to marriage. What's going on?

God is clearly getting His message out to anyone who will listen .... "Do not buy into the lie! The lie which seeks to entice you into leaving the (wife) (husband) of your youth! The lie which seeks to destroy you and your family!"

Why? Because divorce (yes, even in the church) is running rampant!

Lives are being shattered, families are being destroyed, as one partner (sometimes both) buys into the lie that divorce will make them happy. Divorce will not make you happy. However, sin will deceive you into believing you are happy.

Here's the truth .... sin is fun. If it wasn't we wouldn't be tempted. The Bible is very clear on this subject. Sin is fun for a season. As an East Tennessee gal, I am well acquainted with seasons. Seasons come to an end! I beg you to listen .... at the end of a season of sin, there will be consequences. The Bible is very clear on this subject too. The cost of sin is death.
  • Death of trust
  • Death of a dream
  • Death of a marriage
  • Death of a family
Just this week, I have witnessed (first hand) the wake of destruction in two beautiful families. I have watched two precious women attempt to make it through their days as single moms after being cast aside by the husbands of their youth. These women (and their children) are living the devastating effects of this lie now. When their husbands "wake up" from their season of sin, they too, will see the consequences they have brought on their families.

Wake up church. Marriage was God's idea. Marriage is a covenant.

Two became one - for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health .... till death do we part. Is it any wonder those who have experienced the consequences of divorce describe it as agonizingly painful? As feeling like they have been ripped apart.

Wake up church.

Marriage is good. It is for our good, and it is for His pleasure. Two BECOME one.

What's the problem? Selfishness. Pure and simple, selfishness. Seeking our own selfish gain. Desiring (at any cost) to be happy.

Wake up church.

Marriages are crumbling all around us. Families are being destroyed.

Why do we stand by in silence when we see our brother or sister walking into this lie which seeks to destroy them and their family? Or worse, embrace or encourage them to act upon this sin of selfishness?

What's the problem? Apathy. Pure and simple, apathy. Seeking our own selfish gain. Desiring (at any cost) to mind our own business.

Wake up church.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Apologize Once ...

Have you ever had God CLEARLY speak to you through the voice of a small child? I have! The most recent example occurred last night.

With this being the first week of school there has been much activity, much excitement, and much adjustment. Which means (at times) much stress! You may give a hearty amen, or just simply groan. : )

Yesterday, during one of those stressed out "mom" moments (you know the ones when you should count to ten before you speak but you don't) I gave one of those "I've had it up to here!" speeches. Now, what I said was certainly true, and you might even say understandable under the circumstances ... it was not kind. There lies the problem. So I did what any loving parent will do when they "blow it" .... I sincerely apologized for the unkind tone in which I had spoken. My precious little g-daughter graciously accepted my apology.

About an hour later (unable to forgive myself) I apologized again.

This is when God spoke to me. Through her sweet little 8 year old lips, she said ... "I forgive you Gramma. I love you. You only need to apologize once. Now, let's forget it." I hugged her and told her she was wise beyond her years and acting just like Jesus. She grinned.

So why do I share this with you? Because (like me) maybe you also would be encouraged by a reminder. There will be times we are unable to forgive ourselves but .... if we will listen .... we will hear the sweet voice of our Father saying, "I love you. I forgive you. You only need to apologize once. Now, let's forget it."

Monday, February 22, 2010

"Sat(her)day" Anew

The only good thing about being sick is ...

how much bluer the sky is

how much brighter the sun is

and how much whiter (and fluffier) the clouds are when you get past it. Smile.

I spent my "Sat(her)day" time taking a stroll through one of my favorite local parks. I took time to enjoy (anew) the beauty of God's creation which I so often take for granted. I gave thanks for the blessing of health which I so often take for granted. I enjoyed (anew) the joy that springs from a thankful heart for the things which I so often take for granted.

Was being sick fun? Absolutely not, but it sure put things in perspective.

Take a moment today and give thanks for some of the things you often take for granted.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

"Sat(her)day" Sick Day

Actually, sick month is more like it. :)

Why can't everyone be sick at one time and just get it over with???

It hit my son ... 4 weeks ago. My husband ... 3 weeks ago. My sweet little g-daughter ... 2 weeks ago. And finally me ... 1 week ago!

I rarely get sick but when I do, I tend to think of all the things I SHOULD be doing instead of taking care of what is most necessary .... to REST and recover. Maybe that's why this one hit me so hard.

Each day this week, I made a mental list of everything I planned to accomplish the following day. Today, 6 days later, I can see how foolish it was not to embrace my assignment to be still and recover.

I will not even pretend I was completely faithful (or rejoicing at all times) with my "down" time this week, those of you that know me would not allow me to even if I tried (grin) but I will say this .... often times our greatest inconveniences turn to be our greatest blessings.

Today, I am choosing to be content with the inconvenience of sickness and thankful for the opportunity to rest and recover. : )

Saturday, January 30, 2010

"Sat(her)day" Content to be Snowed-In

With great anticipation I (like countless others in East Tennessee) stocked up on provisions necessary to make being "snowed-in" a memorable experience.

All week we have heard of the massive snow storm which was headed our way. Safely at home, and fully prepared, I was excited about what was to come.

Just as the weatherman had predicted, almost to the very minute, the snow began. It was beautiful! Big, heavy, wet snow flakes began to fall, and fall, and fall .... it was a doozy of a snow storm. I was giddy with anticipation of what was yet to come. But then the unthinkable happened! The system shifted.

Seemed our neighbors, the counties and states around us, would get the BIG snow we had anticipated and been promised ALL week! : (

I'm convinced our local weathermen are wondering (along with me!) who prayed them out of a job. That's just not nice. (grin)

We did get our snow. Just not the snow we had anticipated.

We got just enough to be beautiful. Just enough for the kids to play. Just enough to cover everything with a white blanket. But not enough to snow us in. No, that is a choice. One I am happy to make.

Today, I am spending my "Sat(her)day" delightfully content in being snowed-in at home with the love of my life and my BFF. Gotta run. : )

Thursday, January 21, 2010

DayBreak, it's a good thing. : )

DayBreak is the name my church has set aside for our women's Thursday morning Bible studies. I have always been fond of the name but today I believe (maybe for the first time) I understood why our Women's Ministry Director chose the name. Allow me to explain.

Today, the women who gathered in my class were weary. Weary of the heaviness of the hurts and disappointments of life.

Today, the women who gathered in my class were angry. Angry at the wake of destruction sin always leaves in it's path.

Today, the women who gathered in my class were desperate. Desperate for the blessing of community. In desperate need to be encouraged and "sharpened" by the other women they have come to know, love, and trust in the class.

From one woman to another, may I say ... there WILL come a time when life is heavy. And there will come a time when you are tempted to withdraw. From one who knows ... NOTHING good ever comes out of a Christian going into seclusion or going it "alone".

If you are not active in a local church - Determine TODAY that you will get plugged in. Don't miss out on the rich blessing of true community. Find your "DayBreak", it's a GOOD thing.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sat(her)day - First Love

This past week I was reminded of words spoken to me (and thousands of others) while I was attending a ministry conference nearly 8 years ago. What were the words? "Be careful you don't get so busy doing ministry that you neglect the One who has enabled you to join Him in His ministry."

I remember thinking ... "that's ridiculous!"

I could not for the life of me wrap my mind around how someone could get so busy doing ministry that they could grow cold in their walk with Christ. I just knew it could never happen to me. There was no way I would ever neglect my Jesus!

Over the years, those strong words and promises of mine proved to be simply strong words and promises. Unfortunately, there have been many times I have become so distracted by the details of life and ministry that I have neglected my first love. I wish I could say I have never grown cold in my love for my Jesus but I can not. What I can say is ....

My Jesus has never grown cold in His love for me.

My Jesus has never ceased to draw me back to Him.

My Jesus has been faithful (and jealous) for me to return to Him, my first love.

Maybe you, like me, have become weary with the "heaviness" of the holiday season. The details of life and ministry (the needs of hurting people) have overwhelmed you. How foolish it is to think we can do it in our own power. How foolish it is to continue to try.

He is waiting. He is calling. He is faithful.

Run to Him. Sit at His feet. Allow Him to minister to you today.

That's how I am choosing to spend my "Sat(her)day" today ... with my first love, my Jesus.
Sat(her)day may be done on any day (that works well for you) of the week. It is meant to be an encouragement and a reminder to women in leadership to plan time for themselves at least once a week. My Saturday blog has proven to be an effective means of holding myself accountable. I hope it inspires you to the same accountability. : )

Saturday, January 2, 2010

"Sat(her)day" - All Things Have Become New ...

I love the New Year!

No, not because I am one of those "resolutioners". I have labored through enough resolutions to know they usually do little more than make me feel like a failure by February. (Grin)

So what is it that I love about the New Year?

The New Year (for me) is a vivid reminder of the invitation to "begin" again.

God says in His Word, His mercies are new every morning.

During my "Sat(her)day" time today, I spent some time reflecting on the immeasurable grace of my God. And reminding myself … He is sovereign.

Today was a day of letting go ...

I let go of MY expectations.

I let go of MY disappointments.

I let go of MY hurts.

I let go of MY feelings of inadequacy.

I let go of MY agenda.

I let GOD comfort me.

I let GOD refresh me.

I let GOD validate me.

I let GOD re-direct me.

Maybe you, like me, need to spend some time reflecting on the beauty of God's grace. Each new day is an invitation to begin again. : )
Sat(her)day may be done on any day (that works well for you) of the week. It is meant to be an encouragement and a reminder to women in leadership to plan time for themselves at least once a week. My Saturday blog has proven to be an effective means of holding myself accountable. I hope it inspires you to the same accountability. : )