Thursday, January 21, 2010

DayBreak, it's a good thing. : )

DayBreak is the name my church has set aside for our women's Thursday morning Bible studies. I have always been fond of the name but today I believe (maybe for the first time) I understood why our Women's Ministry Director chose the name. Allow me to explain.

Today, the women who gathered in my class were weary. Weary of the heaviness of the hurts and disappointments of life.

Today, the women who gathered in my class were angry. Angry at the wake of destruction sin always leaves in it's path.

Today, the women who gathered in my class were desperate. Desperate for the blessing of community. In desperate need to be encouraged and "sharpened" by the other women they have come to know, love, and trust in the class.

From one woman to another, may I say ... there WILL come a time when life is heavy. And there will come a time when you are tempted to withdraw. From one who knows ... NOTHING good ever comes out of a Christian going into seclusion or going it "alone".

If you are not active in a local church - Determine TODAY that you will get plugged in. Don't miss out on the rich blessing of true community. Find your "DayBreak", it's a GOOD thing.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was great timing for you to come together, and I'm so glad you did. I hope your Daybreaks together will be full of sweet encouragement!
