Friday, September 25, 2009

The Balance Battle

I am absolutely convinced ... balance will be a LIFE LONG struggle for me! Seriously, EVEN in my quest to regain balance ... I can get out of balance!

You would think, knowing my propensity toward extremes and the number of times I have had to adjust my behavior to regain balance, I would no longer be surprised ... : ) Anyone relating with me here? Maybe just a bit???

The secret's out ... I am a woman of extremes. You know, the girl who is either ALL IN or ALL OUT! This is not necessarily a bad thing ... my hubby has never once complained during one of my cooking extremes. He has (however) reminded me of my need for balance when I am in one of my no-cooking extremes. : )

And so we are back to that ... balance.

The need to modify our behavior to regain balance.

The need for moderation.


Moderation : Webster's defines it this way ...

To lessen the intensity of extremes.


Are you out of balance?

If so ... your behavior needs to be modified.

Begin by asking, in what area (extreme) do you need to lessen the intensity?

1 comment:

  1. Great reminder, Patty. A really rainy day when we are forced to be "all in" :) is a great time to reflect and examine my balance factor.
