Friday, March 13, 2009

Jane, Stop This Crazy Thing! Part 1

Have you ever had a week when your schedule was so full that you wondered how you had the time to sleep? Maybe like me, there are times when you would say your gravestone will probably read "Here lies busy!"

In our busy American culture it is quite easy to be busy! If we are not careful we can find ourselves jumping on the treadmill of activity day, after day, after day, after day... Mindlessly, we set out running here, running there, running everywhere, but going nowhere.

Busy, busy, busy!

That's what we do.

That's who we are.

That's how we are perceived.

Honestly, don't we sometimes wear our "busyness" like a badge of honor. As we wipe the sweat from our brows, we say "I'm so busy" and we win the respect of our peers. And so the cycle continues, we jump back on the treadmill of activity and run, run, run, until finally - - we cry out for help (much like George Jetson on the futuristic cartoon) saying... "Jane, stop this crazy thing!"

Is it time for you to get off the treadmill of activity?

Are you weary of running in place?

There is a better way, dear one.

Join me next week for continued encouragement on how to break the cycle of busyness.

Father God, our culture says busy is good. But we know that YOU are good. So we are turning our hearts toward You and crying out for help in breaking the cycle of busyness. Help us Father to get off the treadmill that leads nowhere, but exhaustion. We ask this in accordance with Your Word, and in Your Son Jesus' name. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. "Spring Break" is a great time to pause and think about the treadmill. Thanks for the great reminder, Patty. And I'll check back after the break. :)
    - Julie
