Friday, February 13, 2009

The Big Lie

I recently heard a "so called" marriage expert say that most people who give up on their marriage make the decision in January. I was grieved at the statistics but as I listened to this guy, I became down right angry. In reckless chatter he was (during the month of January!) giving a laundry list of reasons that would validate a January decision to throw in the towel. I started yelling at him, "Hey budy, we're not talking about numbers here, we're talking about people! Hurting people, and you're feeding them a lie!" Unfortunately my passionate outburst had no effect on the guy on TV but it did run both of my dogs under the bed.

I am not a woman with my head in the clouds, I know (all too well) there are many things that contribute to stress in marriage. I certainly would agree that buying things you cannot afford in December and getting bills (you can not pay!) is one. Another certainly is spending too much time with in-laws (and out-laws!) over the holiday season. And don't even get me started on unrealistic expectations we try to meet of our friends, our family, and (dare I say) even ourselves! Just thinking about that is making the vein in my forehead pop out! Yes, there is no denying these things do exist, and they can make for a stressful January, but they do not cause divorce.

So what does? In January, or any other month?

Choosing to buy into the lie.

I'm sorry, were you expecting something deep?

In our quest for happiness, we buy into it - hook, line and sinker!

The lie that divorce is the answer to all of our problems.

The lie that divorce will make us happy.

We want to believe it. We want it to be the answer!

Unfortunatlely, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Divorce will not rid you of all your stress.

Divorce will not rid you of all your pain.

Divorce may get rid of your husband, but hear me when I say your husband is not your enemy.

Satan is, and this lie comes straight from him.

His sole purpose is to lie, steal, and destroy.

Do not buy into his lie. Do not let him steal and destroy your marriage.

If you're thinking of walking away...


Ask God to turn your heart around!

You have no idea what the road looks like ahead!

It's all a big lie!

Turn around! Turn around! Turn around!

If your husband is thinking of walking away...


Ask God to turn his heart around.

Remember that he has no idea what the road looks like ahead.

It's all a big lie.

Wait, and Pray for his heart to turn around.

Father God, You are the creator of marriage and therefore it is good. Turn our hearts first back to you, Father. Protect us from our selfish desires that the enemy would like to use to steal and destroy our marriage. Renew in us a desire for our husbands, and our husbands for us, that we may walk in marriage as You have created it. We boldly ask You to give us a passion for nothing less than Your best. In Jesus Name. Amen.


  1. Patty,
    what an insightful, encouraging, and helpful post! Thank you for spelling out some of the marriage challenges of "January" and how to combat it. We all need to hear that, so we can be victors in our marriages. Great way to be inspired on Valentine's Day!
    - Julie

  2. Patty, This post hit the nail on the head. I wish people knew that their enemy is not their husband but SATAN!!

    Thanks so much for spreading this truth.
