Thursday, February 26, 2009

Learn It Again, For The First Time

Have you ever grown weary of repeating the same lesson over, and over, and over? I have! And it is NOT FUN! Just when you think that course is behind you, and you are so ready to move on, you find yourself sitting (so to speak) in the classroom of the do-over, again. AAAGGGHHH!! Will this lesson ever stick...

I was a woman with a plan on that Friday, February 13th and (if I do say so myself) I was a woman working her plan, beautifully! Every detail was in order. The process had been completely painless. Everything had come together, not a single snag! I was AHEAD of schedule (a delightful first) and life was good. I was as giddy as a school girl as I waited for my Valentine to arrive...

I heard his car in the driveway and didn't think a thing about him being two hours early. My head was above the clouds in anticipation! I had rehearsed telling my Valentine the plan at least a dozen times, and could not wait to see his reaction! I just knew this would be a weekend to remember. I rushed to the door to greet him.

He walked through the door (actually he dragged himself through the door) and everything changed. In an instant my plan was torn to shreds. I had not planned on a virus - oh my, this changed everything. My heart was crushed, but I rolled with the new plan - Nyquil, and chicken soup.

I will not pretend I was not disappointed, I was. I will not pretend the weekend ended up looking anything like my plan, it did not. But it was a weekend to remember. It is, and will always be, one of my sweetest Valentine memories. I would not have missed it for the world.

For those of you that are wondering - yes, he was contagious! And yes, I did catch it! And yes, my sweetie rolled with plan B as he took care of me. Was it romantic, no. Was it anything that I would have asked for, no! Was it fun, you've got to be kidding! But during that time of taking care of my guy, and then having my guy take care of me, something wonderful happened - we grew closer than we have ever been.

That's when I had the privilege of learning (again) how great it is to NOT get what you wanted.

No doubt, I had a "good" idea. Had I been unwilling to release it - my heart would have been unwilling to receive God's idea. That would have been foolish indeed.

Father God, Thank you for allowing me to learn this lesson again, for the first time. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. So true, Patty! Isn't it good that God doesn't always give us what we want, but He give us what we need? Sounds like you two Valentines had a sweet time together. :)
