Saturday, October 10, 2009

Green Tea & Thanks on Sat(her)day

A couple of weeks ago a friend in Atlanta told me about a new green tea. Knowing this friend like I do ... if she says its good, its good. So I made a mental note of the brand and told her I would look for it in our (one and only) local "healthy" food store. Yesterday, while shopping in my regular "not so healthy" grocery store, I spotted it. A most unlikely sight, but there it was .... way up on the top shelf. I climbed up there, and scored!

I rushed home, quickly put away my groceries (leaving the "prize" out on the counter so I would not forget it), and was off to my next appointment. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

It was late and I was exhausted when I finally got home (you'd think I would know the pattern by now - the pattern of "unexpected" when my hubby is away at the annual men's retreat) my "tea" was a welcome reminder of the promise of normalcy to come ...

Morning came, and my friend was right! This may very well be the MOST incredible tea on the face of the earth. Of course, the stillness of the moment may have contributed a bit to my sipping pleasure. Maybe I should have another cup before I proclaim it - best in the world. : )

Funny thing about being still, things come into focus. As I sat and reflected on the past couple of days, I was able to see past the unexpected chaos and remember the joy of the celebration that had occured just over 24 hours ago ... What a privilege it was to gather together as a family and honor my daddy on his 75th birthday!

That's when my tea time turned to Thanksgiving.

Thankful for good times, and laughter.

Thankful God picked him to be my daddy.

Thankful for his devotion to my momma for over 50 years of marriage.

Thankful for the twinkle (he still has) in his eye when he looks at her.

Thankful for his loving sacrifice over the years as a provider, and as a loving father of his 6 daughters. Poor daddy, even our family dogs were usually female. :)

My Sat(her)day "tea time of thanksgiving" is dedicated to my daddy.

With love, from his little girl.


Sat(her)day may be done on any day (that works well for you) of the week. It is meant to be an encouragement and a reminder to women in leadership to plan time for themselves at least once a week. My Saturday blog has proven to be an effective means of holding myself accountable. I hope it inspires you to the same accountability. : )


  1. My dad and your dad sure had the girl factor goin on. Did you only have one bathroom growing up?
    That makes for a selfless man!

  2. Sounds like your quiet moment of sipping brought on a truly sweet time, and so glad that your family had such a great celebration together! You'll have to let me in on the tea find. :)

  3. Yes Libby .... only one bathroom until I was in junior high school. Poor daddy, he gave up on bathroom time at home & mostly used the one at the corner gas station. : )

  4. Julie .... you are always welcome! Would love to share a cup of tea with you. : )
