Saturday, August 28, 2010

What Are You Choosing?

If you read my previous blog "Wake Up Church" you know I have a fire in my belly when it comes to divorce. I get so angry when I see marriages (and families) fall apart because of selfishness. That said, I want to make it clear it is NOT selfish to protect yourself and your children. If you (or your children) are in an unsafe situation .... you should seek safe shelter, safe counsel, and PROTECTION immediately!

However, if you are a woman (or man) who has simply "fallen out of love" with your spouse you need to be reminded >>> love is a choice.

We choose daily to love (or not love) our spouses.

We choose daily to forgive (or not forgive) our spouses.

We choose daily to commit (or not commit) to our marriage.

Divorce doesn't happen overnight. It takes many little choices not to love, not to forgive, and not to commit before we end up contemplating divorce.

What are you choosing?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wake up Church!

Churches all across America are making sure those who gather in the name of Jesus on Sunday mornings are reminded of the truth about marriage. Even on the blog-a-sphere the theme on Mondays has turned to marriage. What's going on?

God is clearly getting His message out to anyone who will listen .... "Do not buy into the lie! The lie which seeks to entice you into leaving the (wife) (husband) of your youth! The lie which seeks to destroy you and your family!"

Why? Because divorce (yes, even in the church) is running rampant!

Lives are being shattered, families are being destroyed, as one partner (sometimes both) buys into the lie that divorce will make them happy. Divorce will not make you happy. However, sin will deceive you into believing you are happy.

Here's the truth .... sin is fun. If it wasn't we wouldn't be tempted. The Bible is very clear on this subject. Sin is fun for a season. As an East Tennessee gal, I am well acquainted with seasons. Seasons come to an end! I beg you to listen .... at the end of a season of sin, there will be consequences. The Bible is very clear on this subject too. The cost of sin is death.
  • Death of trust
  • Death of a dream
  • Death of a marriage
  • Death of a family
Just this week, I have witnessed (first hand) the wake of destruction in two beautiful families. I have watched two precious women attempt to make it through their days as single moms after being cast aside by the husbands of their youth. These women (and their children) are living the devastating effects of this lie now. When their husbands "wake up" from their season of sin, they too, will see the consequences they have brought on their families.

Wake up church. Marriage was God's idea. Marriage is a covenant.

Two became one - for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health .... till death do we part. Is it any wonder those who have experienced the consequences of divorce describe it as agonizingly painful? As feeling like they have been ripped apart.

Wake up church.

Marriage is good. It is for our good, and it is for His pleasure. Two BECOME one.

What's the problem? Selfishness. Pure and simple, selfishness. Seeking our own selfish gain. Desiring (at any cost) to be happy.

Wake up church.

Marriages are crumbling all around us. Families are being destroyed.

Why do we stand by in silence when we see our brother or sister walking into this lie which seeks to destroy them and their family? Or worse, embrace or encourage them to act upon this sin of selfishness?

What's the problem? Apathy. Pure and simple, apathy. Seeking our own selfish gain. Desiring (at any cost) to mind our own business.

Wake up church.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Apologize Once ...

Have you ever had God CLEARLY speak to you through the voice of a small child? I have! The most recent example occurred last night.

With this being the first week of school there has been much activity, much excitement, and much adjustment. Which means (at times) much stress! You may give a hearty amen, or just simply groan. : )

Yesterday, during one of those stressed out "mom" moments (you know the ones when you should count to ten before you speak but you don't) I gave one of those "I've had it up to here!" speeches. Now, what I said was certainly true, and you might even say understandable under the circumstances ... it was not kind. There lies the problem. So I did what any loving parent will do when they "blow it" .... I sincerely apologized for the unkind tone in which I had spoken. My precious little g-daughter graciously accepted my apology.

About an hour later (unable to forgive myself) I apologized again.

This is when God spoke to me. Through her sweet little 8 year old lips, she said ... "I forgive you Gramma. I love you. You only need to apologize once. Now, let's forget it." I hugged her and told her she was wise beyond her years and acting just like Jesus. She grinned.

So why do I share this with you? Because (like me) maybe you also would be encouraged by a reminder. There will be times we are unable to forgive ourselves but .... if we will listen .... we will hear the sweet voice of our Father saying, "I love you. I forgive you. You only need to apologize once. Now, let's forget it."