Monday, July 13, 2009

Marriage, Pucker or Duck! - Part 5

In Part 4, we established... A wife is able, having the sufficient power, skill, and resources to help her husband. Being like him, her training or experiences, have given her the ability to harmonize with him. A funny illustration comes to mind...

One sunny afternoon, a mayor and his wife were taking a stroll down the main street of their city, while he proudly pointed out his accomplishments during his time in office. Then they walked by a construction site and a man called out and greeted his wife. He had been a high school boyfriend.
The mayor said to his wife, “See, dear, if you had married him, you would be a wife of a laborer.”
She answered sweetly, “If I had married him, he would be the mayor.”

The wife in this story understood the power of her influence on her husband. But before we get too puffed up girls, that influence cuts both ways. Just as sure as a wife has the power to be a help to her husband, she also has the power to be a hindrance to him.

Are you being a help? Or are you being a hindrance?

Ruth Graham said, "It is not up to me to change my husband, that is up to God. My job is to keep him happy."

One of the ways you can keep your hubby happy is by respecting him.

Make a list of (at least) 5 things you appreciate about your husband. And then begin telling him, verbally or in writing.

  • Verbal and written words of encouragement: “You handled that wisely,” “I love being married to you.”
  • Compliment the little things he does - in front of others and privately. Mark Twain said, “I can live two months on a good compliment.”
  • Remind him of his strengths and accomplishments.

Begin with these. Then check back on Thursday, when we will examine other ways we can use our influence to help our husbands ... see you then.

1 comment:

  1. Such good thoughts, Patty. My hubbie is away, which is always a great time to "grow fonder" and consider the reasons why I love him. Thanks for the great reminders ...
