Saturday, November 21, 2009

"Sat(her)day" - Celebrating A Sweet Traditon

It has become one of my sweetest holiday traditions ....

The Saturday before Thanksgiving is a time the women of my church have set aside for celebration and anticipation of the upcoming Christmas season. Approximately 200 women gathered together today to laugh, share ideas, eat, praise God, and exhort one-another to keep our focus on Christ this Christmas.

I walked away refreshed by spending time with girlfriends. Inspired by new ideas for making Christmas memories. And encouraged by examples of how to keep from being distracted by the busy-ness that makes Christmas feel heavy.

My main take-aways from today were:

1) Keep your Martha in check. Your family & friends would much rather have you than a stressed out perfectionist stuck in the kitchen ALL day. : )

2) You are the gift. Imagine yourself with a big bow tied on top of your head. Through your countenance, your presence, and your attitude be a blessing. Smile, show kindness, and speak encouragement to everyone who crosses your path this holiday season.

3) This one is for us married gals. ~~~ Keep the SIZZLE. Kiss for 5 seconds! (My hubby liked this one - grin) It may sound silly, it did to me too. But with the extra activities and excitement that accompany the holidays, it's easy to get into the "quick peck" mode. The "quick peck" mode is when you're running in two different directions and are "pecking" at each other as you run out the door. Try the 5 second kiss. Count it (One thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three... ) by one thousand five .... it's a sizzle. And a sizzle beats a peck EVERY time. : )

From one (easily distracted) girl to another ... Keep the focus and ENJOY the holiday season.
Sat(her)day may be done on any day (that works well for you) of the week. It is meant to be an encouragement and a reminder to women in leadership to plan time for themselves at least once a week. My Saturday blog has proven to be an effective means of holding myself accountable. I hope it inspires you to the same accountability. : )

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