Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sat(her)day - Morning Coffee Talk!

When my head finally hit the pillow last night I knew it would require true-grit determination to drag my buttocks out of bed this morning, and it did. After hitting snooze three times, I showered, dressed, and kissed the sleeping fam goodbye. Then I was off for my Sat(her)day morning coffee talk with the girls.

The absence of people on the road was a stark reminder that the majority of population was still enjoying a Saturday morning sleep in. My mind drifted back to my nice warm bed. : )

After parking my car (right up front!) I walked through the doors of Panera and was greeted by the most wonderful aroma ever .... freshly baked bread, pastries, and an assortment of other breakfast items. Oh yeah, this was worth getting up for! I took a glance around the restaurant and spotted our hostess. The woman who had been responsible for planning this Saturday morning coffee talk. I ran over for a quick hello and hug, then walked back toward the wonderful aroma to get my breakfast ... : )

Decisions, decisions, decisions. I blurted out, with great enthusiasm, I'll have a bagel! My decision may have startled the young man behind the counter just a bit but .... to a woman who has been eating just enough calories to keep her alive and working out like a mad-woman for 3 weeks, a bagel is a pretty BIG deal! : )

And so is some much needed "girl" time. One by one, our group assembled. We sat, talked, laughed, and ate "treats" together. And it was good.


When is the last time you got together with the girls?

Is it worth giving up an hour of sleep on a Saturday morning?

Work it into your schedule, you won't regret it. : )

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