Thursday, October 15, 2009

Steady Plodding ... : )

It has been said, we grossly OVER-estimate the amount of spiritual growth that can occur in one year, and we grossly UNDER-estimate the amount of spiritual growth that can occur in three years.

Why is that? Could it be because we want everything RIGHT now? Or dare I say, when we don't get what we want WHEN we want it .... we lose interest?

Think of the last time you made a purchase which required delivery or installation. When you were asked when you needed the product, you may not have said it outloud but you thought it .... I need it immediately, if not sooner. Am I right? : )

Even our "fast" food has become NOT FAST ENOUGH.

And don't get me started on the ridiculous expectations we have when it comes to getting in shape physically. Why do we think the effects of YEARS of eating the wrong foods, and/or the effects of YEARS of neglecting to exercise, will be magically erased in just 30 days - - or less!

The truth is, the only way to achieve long-term success in ANYTHING is steady plodding. You must practice it over the long haul.

So, going back to our propensity to grossly OVER-estimate our spiritual growth in 1 year and grossly UNDER-estimate it over 3 years. If we're not commited for the long haul, and willing to commit ourselves to the disipline necessary to sustain us for the long haul, we will never make it to the 3rd year. We slip out the back of the church, and its over.

It's easy to get excited about something new. But discipline, determination, and hard work are required to stay commited for the long haul. That's when we see results/success.

What spiritual disciplines are you currently practicing?

  • Attending church.
  • Prayer.
  • Reading your Bible.
  • Studying your Bible. (And becoming a doer of what you learn)
  • Serving (or seeking to discover your SHAPE) in ministry?

Are you commited for the long-haul? Commit today to a life of steady plodding.

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