Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Church Directory Picture Day!

Every couple of years our church updates the pictoral directory. This is "update" year! At our family sitting we attempted the impossible... finding a pose we ALL looked our best.

The ones I looked my best, my hubby had a glare on his glasses. The ones he looked his best, my eyes were closed. And with the privilege of having our granddaughter with us in the picture... The ones she looked her best, both my hubby & I were making "blooper" faces!

Anyone relating with me here? Challenging times, these family pics.

After looking through 20 poses, we found it. Although it was not the best one of ANY of us, it was the one.

The one because ...

it was best for our family.

I am pleased with this church directory picture but... it's NOT my favorite. My favorite is one of the bloopers. NO, you may NOT see it - some things need to remain private. :- ) Why is the blooper my favorite? Because it's a good reminder...

It reminds me of my need to look out for the interests of others before my own.


It reminds me when I do... it makes a beautiful picture.

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