Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Where Were You" Part 2

Scared is a gross understatement (see part 1) - I was terrified! And I was not alone... Even the high paid and "prepared for anything" network TV news people were unable to mask their fear. The disbelief in their eyes, and their white-washed faces proved there are things so horrific, so incomprehensibly evil, no one can fully prepare. We were eye-witnesses of this evil on 9.11.01, and many (including myself) were shaken to the very core of their belief ... In an instant, everything changed.

In the midst of the chaos, I was compelled to locate my family. After hearing their voices, and having the assurance of their present safety, we were able to discuss a plan of action in the event the attack came closer to our home. Then overwhelmed by emotion, and unable to watch as the graphic images were being replayed over and over again, I turned off the TV. As I sat alone in silence in my living room, I realized I had not been "here" before. This was a "new" experience. This was a new crisis of belief. And this crisis, like any crisis of belief, required a decision. There was a call to action, no time to stand still. I could either run away in fear or I could run to my God with my fear. I am happy to say, by the grace of God, I ran to Him with my fear.

I ran to Him with my disbelief.
I ran to Him with my fear.
I ran to Him with my anger.
I ran to Him because I knew there was nowhere else to run.
And that is why I am forever changed.


Are you scared?

Are you angry?

Are you rocked to the very core of everything you have ever believed?

You, my friend, are in crisis.

A crisis of belief.

You have one of two choices:

  1. Run away in fear.
  2. Run to the One who can take away your fear.

His name is Jesus, and He is faithful.

He is the ONLY One who is able to take away your fear.

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